How has this experience  made you consider your college path that will ultimately lead to your career?

          Over the past couple weeks, I have realized how much I love hands on work and how I love creating something from nothing. At this point in my life, I have dialed in my idea of what I want to do in life to either film and multimedia of a sort, and engineering. Within engineering, I am really interested in environmental engineering and a few other types.  Before internships, I was really drawn towards film because of some the projects I had in class. When i started my internship however, I realized my true love for creating and designing things. Throughout my internship, I have done quite a few projects that my mentor left very open ended so that I wasn't just doing a job for him. An example is the photo backdrop I set up. I had to design a bracket for the two rolls of paper that could be small, simple and strong enough to hold upwards of twenty pounds of weight with very challenging leverage aspects. I have also talked to some of the members as i go around the facility and hear about their life experiences. many of them are engineers and they all love their jobs. As I head into my last week of internship, I can say that I am now much more interested in a career in engineering.

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